Frequently Asked Questions about Taxes
► Not Able To Get An Appointment?
Come to VMH 3505 every Tuesday from February 10th - April 14th to file your own taxes through FSA Self Preparation. Please see the FSA Self Preparation link in the navigation bar.
► Do you offer in-person appointments?
We are currently offering in-person, virtual, and asynchronous appointments!
► Can I file my taxes with TerpTax even if I don't live in the University of Maryland, College Park community?
Yes. You can file your taxes with TerpTax if your income is $64,000 or less. However, we do not offer tax consultation services, only tax preparation services.
► What is the deadline for filing my 2024 tax return?
The deadline for filing your 2024 Federal Tax Return is Monday, April 15, 2025. If mailing your return, it must be postmarked by 11:59 pm on that day.
► What forms do I need to file my Federal tax return?
If you were working (ex: graduate assistantship, hourly on-campus position) in 2024:
You will be sent a W-2 statement (by January 31)
For Non-resident Aliens: If you received a scholarship/fellowship OR you are claiming a tax exemption due to a TAX TREATY in 2023
You will be sent a 1042-S Form (by March 15)
If you need to request a Duplicate W-2 or 1042-S, go to Central Payroll Bureau's Payroll Services for State Agencies website and follow the instructions
► What are some continued tax resources during the University Remote Operational Environment?
TerpTax, housed in the Robert H. Smith School of Business, is a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) chapter, a program created by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), to provide FREE tax return preparation to low-to-mid-income individuals and families, the elderly, students, and persons with disabilities. TerpTax can prepare both federal and state returns for clients.
FSA Tax Prep can be used free of charge by F-1/F-2 and J-1/J-2 status holders in UMD to prepare their U.S. Federal income tax return.
FSA Tax Prep is now available for this filing season.
To access FSA Tax Prep:
Visit the “Prepare return” tab of the TerpTax website
Read over the instructions and steps to create a TaxSlayer account and start preparing your return.
Accces the FSA Self-Preparation Tool and start preparing your federal and state returns!
* For any questions regarding the FSA tool please reach out to with the subject line “FSA help” in your email
► Am I Resident or Non-resident Alien for Tax Purposes?
Please visit the “What to Upload” tab to determine your filing status as instructions on how to determine your status can be found there. If you are still unsure please reach out to After determining your status please feel free to schedule an appointment with us!
International Student & Scholar Services provides this tax resource information to UMD students and scholars for informational and educational purposes and not as a substitute for advice obtained from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a qualified tax professional. Students and scholars who have questions about their income tax situation should consult a qualified tax professional. Each person is responsible for the accuracy of his/her income tax returns and any resulting penalties or interest.